Psalm 13:6 Resolution, Recognition

Psalm 13:6 I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me.
Again in Psalm 13 we have a brief prayer (only six verses) For the director of music that is A psalm of David. Once again too David is in trouble from others and cries out to the Lord for help. The very existence of such psalms suggests that the LORD expects us often to be in such situations as believers. It is an encouragement to at least know the Lord knows. David's fear is that the LORD has forgotten him. How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? he asks (verse 2) How long will my enemy triumph over me? He longs for relief. However, he can still say that he trusts in God's unfailing love. Even in the midst of opposition his heart rejoices in his salvation. And so the How long? of the first four verses gives way to the concluding verse of resolution and recognition I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me. At all times, even in trouble, this must be the attitude of the believer, as it was no doubt the attitude of the Lord Jesus himself. There is resolution and recognition. Firstly, we must be resolved to sing and not merely to sing but to sing praise to the LORD. Secondly, we must recognise how very good he has been to us. It is the interaction of this twofold approach that will sustain us. If we forget God's goodness or fail to stir ourselves to sing his praise, we will be in danger of sinking. If, however, we show the resolution and recognition shown here, there is hope.  

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