Very short once again, Psalm 134 is the last of the songs of ascents and is probably the shortest. The psalm begins with an address to all you servants of the LORD who minister by night in the house of the LORD. These would be the priests and Levites, many of whom who would have duties in the Temple even late at night. They are urged here to Praise the LORD and to Lift up your hands in praise in the sanctuary and praise the LORD. The writer then calls down a blessing from God on these people: May the LORD bless you from Zion, he who is, as we have been reminded before in these songs of ascents, the Maker of heaven and earth. With the coming of Christ there is, of course, no more Temple and no more Temple ritual, day or night. However, the call to continually praise the name of the Lord still stands and God has a worldwide priesthood to carry on the work. Just as it must have been a comfort to the psalmist to wake at night and know that in the Temple the work of worship went on, so we can be sure that someone somewhere is giving praise to God at any moment of the night or day. May the Lord bless all those who give him praise, day or night. May he bless them abundantly from heaven, he who is the Maker of heaven and earth.
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